In PHP, working with JSON involves encoding PHP data into JSON format and decoding JSON data into PHP format. Here are some common operations you can perform with PHP and JSON:

  1. Encoding PHP data into JSON:
   $data = array(
       'name' => 'John',
       'age' => 25,
       'city' => 'New York'

   $json = json_encode($data);
   echo $json;

This code snippet creates an associative array $data and uses the json_encode() function to convert it into a JSON string. The resulting JSON string is then echoed.

  1. Decoding JSON into PHP data:
   $json = '{"name":"John","age":25,"city":"New York"}';

   $data = json_decode($json, true);
   echo $data['name']; // Output: John

In this example, a JSON string stored in the variable $json is decoded into a PHP associative array using the json_decode() function. The decoded JSON data can be accessed like a regular PHP array.

  1. Reading JSON from a file:
   $jsonString = file_get_contents('data.json');
   $data = json_decode($jsonString, true);

This code reads the contents of a JSON file named data.json using file_get_contents(). The JSON string is then decoded into a PHP array using json_decode(), and the resulting data is printed using print_r().

  1. Writing PHP data to a JSON file:
   $data = array(
       'name' => 'Jane',
       'age' => 30,
       'city' => 'London'

   $jsonString = json_encode($data);
   file_put_contents('output.json', $jsonString);

Here, an associative array $data is created. The array is then encoded into a JSON string using json_encode(). Finally, the JSON string is written to a file named output.json using file_put_contents().

These examples demonstrate basic JSON encoding and decoding operations in PHP. PHP provides additional functions and methods to handle more complex JSON structures and perform advanced operations, such as encoding and decoding nested arrays, handling JSON errors, and manipulating JSON data.

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